In Memoriam graphic

Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Galitzine, 1942–2018

On Feb­ru­ary 22nd, 2018, fol­low­ing a pro­longed ill­ness, Prince Vladimir Kir­illovich Gal­itzine reposed in the Lord. Vladimir Kir­illovich served as war­den of the Syn­odal Cathe­dral of the Sign in New York for 38 years.

Born in Bel­grade in 1942, he and his fam­i­ly found their way to Ger­many as refugees in the same year. In 1951, the Gal­itzines moved to New York, where Vladimir Kir­illovich worked for many years in the Bank of Amer­i­ca’s inter­na­tion­al division.

Photo of V.K. Galitzine at the gates of his beloved Synodal CathedralPrince Vladimir Kir­illovich, or “Mick­ey” as his close friends knew him, ardent­ly loved his Russ­ian Ortho­dox Church Abroad, her hier­ar­chs, pas­tors, and faith­ful chil­dren. The re-estab­lish­ment of canon­i­cal union between ROCOR and the Church in the father­land was for him a joy­ous event. In his own words, “The estab­lish­ment of Com­mu­nion is a very impor­tant event in the eccle­sial life of the Russ­ian dias­po­ra. And it became pos­si­ble thanks to the fact that now, we are one. Now we pray togeth­er, we approach the Holy Mys­ter­ies together.” 

Regard­less of his descent from one of the most ancient noble lines of the Russ­ian Empire, Vladimir Kir­illovich was set apart by his mod­esty and gen­uine­ly aris­to­crat­ic regard for every person.

Prince V.K. Gal­itzine was laid to rest on Mon­day, Feb­ru­ary 26th in the ceme­tery of Novo-Divee­vo Con­vent (Spring Val­ley, NY).

The admin­is­tra­tion of Holy Trin­i­ty Monastery and Sem­i­nary express­es grat­i­tude to the ser­vant of God Vladimir for his con­stant sup­port of the Lavra of the Russ­ian Dias­po­ra and express­es its deep con­do­lences to his wife Tatiana Vladimirov­na, fam­i­ly, and loved ones.

May the Lord grant him eter­nal blessed­ness in His Heav­en­ly kingdom!