"For the fervor in keeping the memory of this God-pleaser, the Lord generously rewarded us, sinful people, who had filled the church on the day of his glorification..." - Archimandrite Cyprian (Pizhov)
"Thus, that which is most necessary for success in unseen warfare is the recognition of one’s own weakness and complete insignificance without the help of God."
"The relationship of every true Christian to every type of evil, wherever it may appear, is a relationship of complete and unconditional irreconcilability.:
"We must more often and in greater measure keep closed the 'windows of the soul,' as the Holy Fathers called our sensory organs: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. We need to train ourselves, to force ourselves not to look, not to listen, taste, smell or touch just anything and everything."
"Why does striving for imaginary 'freedoms' lead to slavery? The reason is simply that we cannot give evil free rein, because when it is not restrained in any way, it easily enslaves people."
"One who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and conforms himself to His divine teaching becomes truly free, that is, he is delivered from the power of sin, ceases to be a slave of the devil, and becomes a child of God."
"The horror of man's predicament lies in the derangement that has afflicted his mind. It seems to him that he is doing everything himself, that he is acting completely independently, but in reality he is doing only the will of his lord, the devil."
"What then is the true criterion of an authentic and wholly spiritual love for God? It is given to us in the Gospel. God clearly said, If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15). He who does not love Me does not keep My words (John 14:24). Clear and simple."
The laborers and staff of Holy Trinity Publications extend our heartfelt congratulations on this Feast of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God to the Hierarchs, clergy, and faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.
"What then is the true criterion of an authentic and wholly spiritual love for God? It is given to us in the Gospel. God clearly said, If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15). He who does not love Me does not keep My words (John 14:24). Clear and simple."
This is where the spirit of self-asserting human pride has led us, along with that 'new faith' that has been persistently propagandized among us in recent years in place of the Christian faith, this 'faith in oneself' and 'faith in one’s own god' rather than in the One True God."