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Support the Growing Mission of Orthodox Life

Last Decem­ber, on the win­ter feast of St Nicholas, Holy Trin­i­ty Monastery launched this web­site as a con­tin­u­a­tion of the six­ty-six year lega­cy of our Eng­lish-lan­guage jour­nal, Ortho­dox Life. Now, a day after the great hier­ar­ch’s sum­mer feast, we ask for your sup­port in con­tin­u­ing to mod­ern­ize and expand our mis­sion to reach more peo­ple than ever before!

Expanding Orthodox Life

We would love to expand the work of, but like any orga­ni­za­tion we have lim­it­ed resources and need your sup­port to com­mit more time toward devel­op­ing the site. Here are a few of the ways we’d like to expand our efforts:

1) A full archive of Orthodox Life back issues

The lega­cy of Ortho­dox Life stretch­es back through decades of rich the­o­log­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal depth con­tained in the ser­mons, arti­cles, and reflec­tions pub­lished in our print edi­tion. We’ve already giv­en new life to a few pieces from our recent back issues. But our dream is to dig­i­tize the full archive and make it avail­able as an inter-con­nect­ed web of live, search­able, and tagged posts. Your pledge through our Patre­on page will allow us to embark on this impor­tant work of pre­serv­ing and shar­ing these pearls from the spir­i­tu­al bea­cons of ROCOR.

2) New audio and video content

One promise we made when launched was to uti­lize “all the best forms of dig­i­tal media.” So far, we’re proud of the work we’ve done to make our arti­cles visu­al­ly appeal­ing, easy to read, and opti­mized for social media and search engines. We would love to take the next step with reg­u­lar­ly post­ed video and audio con­tent, based on the same high pro­duc­tion val­ue as the rest of our site. Branch­ing out into oth­er forms of media would also help reach a wider audi­ence with the eter­nal lessons of the Ortho­dox Faith.

3) Regular material from quality writers and knowledgeable teachers of the faith

There are a num­ber of already active Ortho­dox writ­ers who share the ethos and vision of Ortho­dox Life. We would love to bring many of these into the fold and offer some small renu­mer­a­tion for the work these writ­ers do to spread the Gospel of Christ. In addi­tion to reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tors, we would like to offer a small stipend for accept­ed sub­mis­sions to the site. The labor­er is wor­thy of his hire! (1 Tim. 5:18) 

4) Hiring a managing editor to spearhead all these efforts and more!

Cur­rent­ly, the day-to-day man­age­ment of this site is del­e­gat­ed to the staff of Holy Trin­i­ty Pub­li­ca­tions. We do our best to bal­ance this site’s needs with­in the wider con­text of our pub­lish­ing and book­selling work. But to real­ly get seri­ous about these expan­sion efforts we need to make room in the bud­get for a ded­i­cat­ed man­ag­ing edi­tor — some­one to take on and imple­ment these plans while iden­ti­fy­ing even more areas for growth.

Support the growing mission of!

Here’s where you come in. We’ve launched our very own cre­ator page on Patre­on, a crowd-fund­ing site that allows sup­port­ers to pledge a month­ly dona­tion towards set mon­e­tary goals. All Ortho­dox Life mate­r­i­al is and will con­tin­ue to be entire­ly free. But your month­ly dona­tion of any amount sup­ports our efforts to bring Ortho­dox Life to a wider audi­ence than ever before — whether Ortho­dox Chris­tians, seek­ers, or even those who have nev­er before encoun­tered the True Faith. Through your month­ly sup­port, you become a co-labor­er in our mission!

In thanks for your month­ly pledge, you’ll receive exclu­sive dis­counts, ear­ly access to new con­tent, and even an annu­al gift box! You’ll find a full list of reward tiers on our Patre­on page.

Please click on the red Patre­on but­ton below or in the right side­bar to pledge your sup­port towards the con­tin­u­a­tion and expan­sion of
May the Lord reward your generosity!

