"For the fervor in keeping the memory of this God-pleaser, the Lord generously rewarded us, sinful people, who had filled the church on the day of his glorification..." - Archimandrite Cyprian (Pizhov)
From my whole heart, I wish for you all to spend these all-joyous days in good health and cheerful disposition, perceiving the victorious power of God and the illumination of the Light of His Resurrection on the Third Day, so that in the future, when it seems to us that “Hades doth reign,” we might remember that its reign over us is “not forever,” as we read in the canon of Great Saturday, and that we might find in that the strength to overcome any trials in this life!
by V. Rev. Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov. An examination of the three-fold ministry of the priest as teacher, liturgical minister, and shepherd of souls.
In light of the upcoming Sunday of the Forefathers, we offer this reflection on three Old Testament figures who prefigured and prophecied the coming Messiah, while preparing Israel for his coming: The righteous Abraham, the prophets Moses and Elijah.