Book Launch: Schmemann’s Foundations of Russian Culture

On Fri­day, Octo­ber 6th, Holy Trin­i­ty Pub­li­ca­tions host­ed a cel­e­bra­tion of a new pub­li­ca­tion, Foun­da­tions of Russ­ian Cul­ture, by Pro­to­pres­byter Alexan­der Schme­mann. This is the first work of Fr. Alexan­der Schme­mann to be released by Holy Trin­i­ty Pub­li­ca­tions. Speak­ers includ­ed Met­ro­pol­i­tan +Nicholas (Olhovsky), First Hier­ar­ch of the Russ­ian Ortho­dox Church Out­side of Rus­sia, V. Rev. Arch­priest Vic­tor Potapov, Rec­tor of St. John the Bap­tist Russ­ian Ortho­dox Cathe­dral, and Dr. Nico­las Schidlovsky (Dean of Holy Trin­i­ty Ortho­dox Sem­i­nary). After the speech­es, Read­er Nicholas Chap­man, direc­tor of Holy Trin­i­ty Pub­li­ca­tions, joined in con­ver­sa­tion with Serge Schme­mann about Fr. Alexan­der’s under­stand­ing of Russ­ian cul­ture and the impor­tance of his work in our day.

Foun­da­tions of Russ­ian Cul­ture is avail­able now, wher­ev­er good books are sold. More infor­ma­tion can be found at the pub­lish­er’s website.

Short­er videos fea­tur­ing high­lights of the event are avail­able on Youtube.