Unseen Warfare: Recommended Reading

Wher­ev­er you look in these present times, one is con­front­ed with an over­ar­ch­ing sense of impend­ing dark­ness, a feel­ing of dread and a sense of hope­less­ness amidst seem­ing­ly insur­mount­able chal­lenges — chal­lenges that afflict body, soul and spir­it. Chal­lenges that seep down to the very essence of what it means to be, and to live as an Ortho­dox Chris­t­ian in this present real­i­ty. So how do we nav­i­gate these unchart­ed waters? 

First, we must understand that nothing that is happening is by accident.

How do we endure, and how can we thrive in such try­ing and dif­fi­cult times? First, we must under­stand that noth­ing that is hap­pen­ing is by acci­dent. Our task is not to ask “Why are these things occur­ring?” but rather, “Where can I go to learn how to engage in the fight?” Where can I learn to con­duct a deter­mined bat­tle for my soul, and for the souls of my loved ones?”

It is to unseen war­fare that we are called, to the very real but oft hid­den from human sight bat­tle. We are called to wage a holy and sacred war through our prayers, fast­ing and acts of mer­cy. For indeed there are many things that we can­not con­trol in this world, but there is one thing that we can: the con­di­tion of our souls, our actions of humil­i­ty and love on our jour­ney to salvation.

A few curat­ed selec­tions to assist us in our ascetic struggle:
Blessed Seraphim as a Sign for Our Times
By the will of God, Hieromonk Seraphim became a sym­bol of our times, a sym­bol of how you can turn from false spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and god­less­ness to the Truth.
Unseen Warfare

How to restore your life and your rela­tion­ship with God, through spir­i­tu­al war­fare, as taught by ancient Chris­t­ian mys­tics, ascetics, the­olo­gians and saints.

A Pandemic Observed

“What mourn­ing my hus­band and son taught me about the fear of death.”

“We buried my baby in a wood­en box in the crook of the arm of his father. My hus­band was thir­ty-sev­en and had died in a car acci­dent com­ing home from his work as an Ortho­dox priest in a sud­den snow storm on a Sun­day after­noon in March.”

To The Church of Sardis: Living with the Spiritually Dead

The whole goal of the Chris­t­ian life is the acqui­si­tion of the Holy Spir­it. To be trans­formed into the like­ness of God Himself.

Sup­port Ortho­dox Life @ Patre­on